Hair Filling

Our hair is affected by many different factors during the day. Factors include cold, dry weather, stress, pollution, heat, and poor care. However, the most important factor to consider for hair health is the importance of healing from within.

Hair Filler treatment is a new injection treatment developed as a result of long research against hair loss and consists of 7 biomimetic peptides, hyaluronic acid and vitamins. Hair filler consists of various active ingredients that penetrate the scalp and hair follicles, allow the hair to grow back, and increase the activity of the hair follicles. This special formula is very effective because it is applied directly to the hair follicles.

The common task of the active ingredients in this unique formula that promote enzymes, minerals, vitamins and blood circulation and rejuvenate hair follicles is to stop hair loss. In particular, hyaluronic acid moisturizes hair follicles and stimulates fibroblasts. While biomimetic peptides stimulate the production of new collagen, they protect the hair against external factors that cause apoptosis of hair follicle cells such as stress and harmful sun rays. This application is preferred, particularly in female patients whose hair has been dyed and has been damaged as a result of the dyeing process. Hair filling not only rejuvenates the scalp, but also improves hair quality. Thus, patients get the thick and healthy hair they miss the safest way. Strong active ingredients in the hair filler are injected into the problematic area of the scalp in women or men.

There are no side effects and complications of hair filling and it is very useful for the scalp. It is a 100% safe and effective treatment against hair loss. People who have hair loss problems or who have just had a hair transplant and want to accelerate the growth process may prefer it.

Although the hair filling treatment protocol varies from person to person, it usually requires approximately 4 sessions every 15 days for 2 months.