Hair Botox

If we remember what Botox is and its mechanism of action, it is an FDA-approved drug derived from a bacterium called Botulinum, which has been used in various medical treatments for more than 20 years to loosen muscles. When this toxin is injected into the dermis, it functions such as stretching and opening, cutting nerve conduction. In this way, it provides treatment related to the complaint. Everyone, male and female, loses 50-100 hairs per day. Patients who are experiencing hair loss over 100 and have begun to have gaps in the scalp, as well as those with findings such as thinning hair character with growth problems, require treatment for hair loss. These patients should be checked to see if they have any metabolic disorders, hormone imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, or elevations. There are many methods we currently use in the treatment of hair loss. We benefit from many methods such as hair botox, grp, hair mesotherapy, vitamin complexes with oral intake, hormone treatments, and dermaroller.

It was revealed that a 2-year study was conducted in male patients between the ages of 18-65 years in the United States, and as a result of this study, botox injected between the muscles in the scalp could be used in male hair loss (androgenic allopecia). Botox injections relax the muscles that line the vein walls on the scalp. This area is thus naturally bloodied and oxygenated. As a result, the substances required by the cells can be transferred at a very high rate. If the patient needs other treatments, we need high oxygen levels in the surrounding tissues in order to increase the absorption of blood or drugs given. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone is the most important factor responsible for hair loss. This hormone causes hair loss by pressing on the hair follicles, and the more oxygen-free environment it finds, the more it is metabolized from the testosterone hormone. Oxygen prevents this transformation. The more oxygen in the circulation, the more testosterone turns into estradiol, not DHT hormone. Thus, another mechanism that causes hair loss is broken. Botox contributes significantly to this process as it increases the free circulation of oxygen by relaxing the vessels.