Fibrogel (Own Blood Filling) + Fibroblast

FibrogelTM is the world’s first ‘Personalized’ and ‘Live Cell’ combined with plasma gel filler made in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) environment from replicated fibroblast and plasma from the patient’s skin sample. Fibroblasts in FibrogelTM are structural cells that synthesize the collagen that forms the 3D skeleton of all skin and tissues in our body and provide the synthesis of other intercellular media components. Autologous use of fibroblasts, that is, preparation from people’s own cells, eliminates risks such as any allergy or tissue rejection and causes fewer side effects such as bruising and bleeding that may occur during the procedure due to the platelet and fibrin structures contained in plasma gel. In other words, with Fibrogel technology, your stem cells are more efficient and vibrant… And with fillers made from your own blood.

FibrogelTM fillers are actively used both as fillers and as anti-aging effective treatment methods that increase collagen production by combining with autologous fibroblast cell cultures and patient plasma brought into gel form. One of the most fundamental differences that distinguish FibrogelTM fillers from other synthetic hyaluronic acid fillers is that hyaluronic acid fillers start to be absorbed from 3 months onwards and cause the patient to return to their previous state within 12-18 months, while with your stem cells injected into fibrogels, they show a bioreactor effect placed under the skin and lead to an increased improvement and a vivid appearance thanks to the collagen that is constantly synthesized. FibrogelTM injection is a special method that manifests itself with a renewal and filling effect in the elimination of skin wrinkles rather than short-term solutions provided by the application of filling materials.

It is not allergic. In FibrogelTM injection, the body does not show any reaction that would react to foreign substances because it recognizes its own cells. Thus, it is also a solution for the patient group who may have problems with routine fillings. It is permanent and long-lasting. In this method, live autologous fibroblasts, which are digitally multiplied, are injected directly into the targeted area of the patient, where they form a continuous collagen repair system. Recent findings indicate a measurable improvement of at least 12 to 48 months. Histological analyses in these studies prove that fibroblast injection provides collagen increase and also increases dermal collagen density.