Bag & Rectal Ozone Therapy

Bag Ozone: Bag ozone is recommended for the treatment of diabetic foot wounds, especially in those with diabetes, and for the treatment of infections in diabetic wounds.

Ozone products: Ozone fluids such as ozone oil and ozone water have a supportive use in treatment.

Ozone Bagging is the simplest and most effective therapy in deep tissue regeneration protocols as well as for all degenerative skin conditions.

It is an effective application in the following disorders.
Whole insect bites (including ticks and spiders),
Bee sting and allergic reactions,

Nail fungus Dermatophyte

Rectal and vaginal applications
With the rectal application, medical ozone gas can act systemically. The rectal route is preferable, especially for people with vascular problems and pediatric patients who have a more difficult time producing ozone with blood. The procedure is carried out by applying ozone gas through a special catheter from the anus. The procedure takes 10 minutes. The fact that almost 70% of the cells in our immune system are in the intestines explains why this method is so effective. Although it is repulsive when we hear it for the first time, I recommend that you look positively when your doctor recommends rectal ozone.